Summary of 2018 – What I Learned

The year 2018 included exceptionally lot of new "tech stuff" for me: Azure, Azure DevOps / VSTS, Git and Docker. Especially learning Azure took a lot of time from my "learning budget" in 2018. Besides those, I managed to read a lot of tech books, more than I've ever read. I can say in 2018 I learned especially much. In this blog post, I will go little details about what I learned in 2018 and take a quick look at my new programming language for 2019: Angular/TypeScript.

Dependency Inversion Principle (SOLID 5/6)

"Program to an interface, not an implementation" is a famous quote by Gang of Four. Even if it is not the definition of the dependency inversion principle, it is really close to it. Another related quote is by Robert C. Martin: "depend on abstractions, not on concretions". While writing this blog post I concretely learned what these quotes practically mean.